

“The most important investment you can make is in yourself. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.”

-Warren Buffet

Why are you here? What reason brought you to this course? For some it will be to gain back some freedom from their soul-sucking jobs. For others it will be the ability to provide a better quality of life for themselves or their loved ones. Others may want a financial cushion for their later years. There are too many reasons for me to name but I can say this: I can teach you this amazing method but that doesn’t mean that you won’t face challenges along the way. Not everyone is going to like you. Not everyone is going to accept your offer, and not everyone is going to like your work either.

When (not if) you face rejection or resistance along the way, remember why you started this process in the first place and have your strength renewed towards your goal. Once you mark this lesson as complete you’ll be able to come back and review it any time you want. I recommend doing so at least three times a week until you know these words like the back of your hand. Mindset is everything.

I can’t stress enough how important it is for you to invest in yourself. When I first started flipping mobile homes I was at a bad place in my life. I had just gotten out of a bad break up. I was depressed, my first was suffering (I made animated explainer videos for clients) and as a result I couldn’t keep my lights on at my home and so I had to camp out on a friend’s couch and eat their food because I had none.

Sounds bad, right? That’s because it was. All my income was going towards what bills I could pay. Thankfully I had a home-based business because I didn’t even have gas to put in my car.

During that time an old friend reached out and told me about how he was purchasing and selling mobile homes for big profits. He sent me a picture of him standing outside one with a big stack of cash in one hand shaking hands with a guy with the other hand. I thought that was just fantastic! The problem was, however, that I didn’t have the cash to buy a mobile home. At that point I barely had 2 nickels to rub together after my bills.

If it hadn’t been for the lessons I’d learned prior to those events I don’t think I’d be where I am today. Despite how I felt about myself I had invested in my knowledge and I had the knowledge to take me where I wanted to go.

“When life knocks you down, try and land on your back. Because if you can look up, you can get up. Let your reason get you back up.”

-Les Brown

Down but far from out I remembered all the sacrifices it took to get me to where I was, all the people who no matter what still believed in my ability to get back up and fight.

I remembered all the things I’d learned prior to getting into this mess and I realized that I had everything I needed to pull myself up by the bootstraps. All I needed was motivation to put them into motion for myself. And that’s just what I did. Remembering all the things and people I cared about during those first days allowed me to get up each day and do what I needed to do.

Remember: you are the hero of your story. Keep going no matter what it takes. It’s all about having a positive mindset at the end of the day and keeping your eyes on the prize.
